Afghan Hound price range. Where to find Afghan Hound puppies for sale?

Afghan Hound is an ancient hound dog breed with a unique, attractive appearance and idealistic personalities. They are native to Central Asia where is considered as home region of many world-famous hound dogs. They are elegant, loyal dogs and are great companions for every family. Afghan Hound price is currently quite high, about $1100/puppy, on the average. In this article, we will give you detailed information on the prices, as well as the prestigious address to find Afghan Hound puppies for sale.

Afghan Hound price range. Where to find Afghan Hound puppies for sale?

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Afghan Hound price range

Depending on raising purposes, Afghan Hound dog price is divided into several categories such as limited registered Afghan Hound (raised as pets only) and fully registered Afghan Hound (allowed for breeding).

Limited registered Afghan Hound price

These Afghan Hounds will not be allowed for breeding breed so their prices are not too high, from $1000 – $1200/puppy. We think this is a good and worthy price to pay for a great dog like the Afghan Hound.

Fully registered Afghan Hound price

These Afghan Hound puppies will be allowed for breeding breed so their prices will be much higher than limited registered dog prices. However, their prices are also varied, depending on quality and locations of breeding farms of each puppy.

  • Afghan Hound puppies from the normal breeding farms will cost between $2,000 and $2500 per puppy. They usually have normal family records so they are mainly raised as pets.
  • Afghan Hound puppies from prestigious breeding farms will cost much higher, around $2500 to $5500. These puppies usually have a outstanding pedigree so that they should be raised for breeding or for participation in dog shows.

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Prices of Afghan Hound from Afghanistan

Afghan Hounds from Afghanistan are usually very expensive, usually $3000 – $5000 if they delivered inside the United States. They are often bought by large breeding farms. Afghan Hound dogs from Central Asia are generally stronger, wilder and have more pure gene sources than those bred in Europe and the United States.

Afghan Hounds imported from the United Kingdom is also very popular, with prices ranging from $3000 to $6000 since England was the first country that systematically breeds and recognizes this dog breed. Many large breeding farms in the United Kingdom have produced Afghan Hounds with same and original characteristics as those of the first dogs from Afghanistan in the early 20th century.

Afghan Hound price range. Afghan Hound puppies for sale cost

Where to find Afghan Hound puppies for sale

Online Afghan Hound puppies for sale websites

  • – This is a great and prestige pet website. This site allows you to search for pets that are sold in many regions all over the world, so you can easily find Afghan puppies nearest to you. Price of puppies here is quite reasonable, popularly around $1000 – $1500/puppy.
  • – is a pet website that is very famous and widely known by many people. The advantage of this site is that puppies here are very large in terms of number and are very diverse in terms of ages, appearance, gender etc. Moreover, price of puppies here is not too high and is suitable for almost every people. Therefore, this is one of the most desirable addresses if you are looking to buy an Afghan to be raised as a pet.
  • – AKC Market is a well known and familiar address for pet lovers. If you are looking for a high quality Afghan Hound, you can refer here. You will not have to worry about quality or health of the puppy when buying AKC puppies.

Afghan Hound price range. Afghan Hound puppies for sale cost

Reputable Afghan Hound breeders

1. Jolie Afghans

This is not a large small scale breeding farm but they have confirmed their position and prestige in the hearts of many customers. Afghan Hound puppies born here have great, careful care and have scientific trainings when they are young. Therefore, quality of puppies here is what makes the reputation of this breeding farm.

You can get more information and contact them here:

2. Dragonfly Afghans

As one of the most prominent Afghan and Havanese breeders in the United States, during more than 33 years of service, they have achieved a number of prominent achievements in big dog shows. If you are looking for high quality Afghan puppies, this is probably the right address for you.

You can get more information and contact them here:

Afghan Hound price range. Afghan Hound puppies for sale cost

3. Aries Afghan Hounds

This is a quite successful breeding farm in breeding Afghan Hound because the number of Afghan puppies here are quite a lot and quality of puppies bred here is standard, hence, you can safely find a healthy Afghan Hound puppy Healthy hound for yourself here.

You can find more information and contact them through the website:

Characteristics of Afghan Hound dogs


Afghan Hound possesses a very impressive appearance that highlights their sharp and powerful personalities. Height of male dogs is 68-74 cm (27-29 inches) and that of female ones is 63-69 cm (25-27 inches). They have heads that always stand proud and faces that often express a very pensive look.

The most striking feature of Afghan Hound body is certainly their coat. The coat is very long and covers up to chest, forelimbs, hind legs, ribs and hips.

Afghan Hound price range. Afghan Hound puppies for sale cost


The Afghan Hound is the hound dog with great hunting instinct, so they are highly evaluated for their abilities to run fast and capture their preys. They can bravely capture dangerous preys until hunter could catch up when siting on horseback. Afghans hounds are well known for their abilities to think and act independently, they themselves can hunt without human orientation.

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